Manulife Vitality Savings Tool

Web Design, Animation

A tool that allowed users to know what rewards they could get if they joined the program. Included in the project scope was a dynamic PDF and video that compiled the user's choices and results into a personalized element.

tools used

Illustrator, Animate, VS Code

time frame

3 months

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Manulife Vitality promotes healthy living by rewarding customers who make healthy living choices. Inspired by an existing UK version, Manulife wanted a tool that informs users of how many points and what rewards they can get through this program.

How can we design the Vitality tool for Manulife?


  • Propose redesign that follows brand standards, project requirements and accessibility standards
  • Use microanimations to show growth of points/rewards
  • Execute UI/UX designs using HTML, CSS, and JS
  • Animate an illustrated personalized results video
  • Design a personalized PDF of user's results
  • Allow for a dual UX flow*
  • Ensure tool is responsive

As Lead Designer, I worked closely with Manulife to create a refreshing design that matches their branding. My team and I focused on enhancing the UI experience through microanimations and maintaining colorful elements.

*User can enter tool from multiple points


Web Application

Illustrator, VS Code

Personalized Video

Adobe Animate

An animated video that users can interact with, showing the user's inputs and how it's affected their results.

Personalized PDF

Illustrator, VS Code

Utilizing the trophy on a hill motif, we generated a pdf that contains all the user's results. This interactive pdf also contains interactive call-to-actions to relevant sites.

View sample pdf