Breeze Fridge Project

Product, App & Poster Design

Breeze is a speculative app and fridge designed to help users reduce food waste. The fridge's interior is redesigned for better access and syncs with the app to ensure that users are well informed about their groceries.

tools used

Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya, Figma


Foodwaste at the household level is very wasteful for both the environment and the consumer. My household has always suffered from groceries being left and forgotten way past their expiry date.

How do we reduce unconsumed foodwaste at the household level?


My research concluded that convenience is extremely important to the decision making process and only food that is known is considered.

Studies have determined that food waste at the household level was the complex result of routine, preference, social expectation and convenience. Grocery shopping routines greatly contribute to food waste habits.

A 7-day record and analysis of my food-related decisions. The diary alternates between using the 5 Whys method and a Cognitive Map.

A visualization of the expiry dates of items in my fridge. Each box represents an item. The expiry dates listed above the items are ordered by depth-items placed farther back are listed first.

legend for expiry date map


  • Keep users aware of what’s inside their fridge
  • Reduce the likelihood of groceries being “buried”
  • Encourage users to consume what’s inside their fridge
  • Discourage purchases that leads to excess unconsumed groceries

Users must reduce excessive purchases and use what they have. To do so, we increase the user’s knowledge at various stages of the food buying, storing and consumption process in order to guide them towards developing anti-food waste behaviours.


A fridge, armed with rotating shelves and scanners that can detect items within.
Pairs with a mobile app that makes it convenient for households to keep track of their groceries and use them before they expire.

Why don't current apps work?

Many grocery tracking and grocery list applications already exist. However, they require users to manually upkeep them. This workload repels users with a busy lifestyle and becomes obsolete when not consistently maintained. BREEZE solves this issue by having the fridge do the work automatically.



The term “breeze” is associated with lightness and ease which is reflected in the light color palatte. The brand aims to appear as non-intimidating as possible as the proposed concept relies on changin daily routines without impeding the user. The logo is inspired by the moving shelves that differentiate it from traditional fridges. The font is a modified sans serif, it’s rounded edges mimicking the shape of the shelves.


  • light
  • simple
  • transparent
  • straightforward


  • #4febd1
  • #3e3e3e
  • #c9dfe7
  • #f4f4f4
  • #ffb45c


Avenir LT Std
Novecento Wide


When designing the fridge, I considered two different audiences; one for the fridge and one for an informative poster. The primary audience is the end-user of the fridge. This could range from young children to adults. Basic requirements were being able to use a fridge and technological familiarity. The focus of the primary audience was to design a product that could reduce food waste. The secondary audience is geared towards those interested in reducing food-waste. The deliverable must entice the secondary audience to purchase the product.


App Prototype


Experience the potential wonders of the BREEZE Fridge with a Figma prototype. Create a collaborated shopping list, discover relevant recipes, track ingredients and utilize the customization options.

Promotional Poster

Maya, Photoshop
24 in x 18 in

Since a physical fridge prototype is not possible, I designed a poster that outlines the different benefits and functionalities of the fridge. This poster was designed to be displayed at a tradeshow in order to attract the attention of investors or prospective buyers.